Variables in code
byte [0 to 255]
int [-32000 to 32000]
long [-2 billion something to +2 billion something]
float [decimals usually]
char [letters and stuff]
Honestly I live for for loops like so much. They give me life.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Final project proposal
I have been stressing over what I was going to do for this project for a while. 4 months to be exact, but I think I've found an answer in my two favorite pass-times, being lazy and watching YouTube videos. Whilst on one of my notorious sleeping and video watching binges I saw a video where the man known as William Osman created a "robotic arm" using moisture sensors as its main source of control. he designed this project for a friend who had recently broken their arm but I saw potential in the use of moisture sensors as a form of input no matter how unreliable they may be in this situation. this wasn't my first idea for a new form of input though. The original plan was to find a way to reduce wrist pain in my hands when using a mouse for long periods of time. I wanted to devise a glove that would allow the user to control they're computer without ever having to touch a mouse. in my mind it looked kind of like a power glove or something I don't know but honestly I really just wanted to use the moisture sensors. This other lame project would require like flex sensors and maybe some buttons and I really wouldn't know how to do it so we got the moisture sensor fun time 2 button hands free mouse.
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